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good2go: creating the gig economy for volunteering

Good2Go: Creating the gig economy for volunteering

Using tech to help each other and design a better world

A tech-enabled solution to facilitate convenient micro-volunteering opportunities in your community.

Team: Cami Grandjean, Tatiana Vaz, Ashton Tu, Jessica Au, Sahil Kothari, and Michel Faliski!

How it started: We all met for the first time in Civil Engineering: Design for Global Crises COVID-19 in Fall 2020 over Zoom. The class is treated like a mini-incubator - the mission of it is to go out into the world and solve a problem that COVID-19 has worsened or created was our mission. Here’s a podcast with more information on the class!

Our Team :)

Our Team :)

it’s human to want to help each other.

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Personally, I felt this way. When I wanted to find ways to volunteer, I was struggling to believe there was a possibility for me to make a difference with the limited time I had working a part-time job and being a full-time college student. I wasn’t sure where to get information on how to help, I didn’t know how it would fit in my schedule - and how, in the current state of the world, could I find safe opportunities? And I’m not alone.

90% of Americans want to volunteer.

Only 1 out of 4 do.

Stanford Center For Longevity

This is where our team found an opportunity.

What if we made it not just easy for people to help others, but convenient? What if we made it as fun as a drive with a good friend, listening to your favorite music?